Unlock Your Natural Curiosity with Rockpooling!

Discover the hidden world of marine life while rockpooling at Woolacombe beach. Explore secluded coves and rocky outcrops, but remember to protect the creatures you find and respect the delicate ecosystem.

8/14/20222 min read

Rockpooling is an exciting and fun way to explore the beach and discover a hidden world of marine life. It's a great activity for all ages and one that can be enjoyed as a family, with friends, or even alone. Whether you're an experienced rockpooler or new to the activity, it's important to know how to do it safely and responsibly. Here are some tips on how to rockpool, the creatures you might find, and how to protect them.

  1. Choose the right time and place
    The best time to go rockpooling is during low tide when the water has receded, exposing the rocks and creating shallow pools. Check the tide times before you head out to avoid being caught out by the incoming tide. You should also choose a safe location that's easy to access and has plenty of rockpools to explore. Woolacombe is a great place to go rockpooling, with plenty of secluded coves and rocky outcrops to discover.

  2. Wear the right gear
    Rockpooling can be slippery and hazardous, so it's important to wear the right gear to protect yourself. Wear sturdy shoes with good grip to avoid slipping on the rocks. You may also want to wear wetsuits or waterproof clothing if you plan on getting in the water. It's also a good idea to wear a hat and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.

  3. Be gentle with the creatures you find
    Rockpooling is an opportunity to observe marine life up close, but it's important to handle creatures gently and avoid causing them harm. Use a bucket or a net to catch creatures and handle them carefully, taking care not to touch any sharp spines or stingers. Make sure to return all creatures to the rockpool where you found them and avoid keeping them in buckets or tanks for too long.

  4. Respect the environment
    Rockpooling is a fun activity, but it's important to respect the environment and avoid damaging the rocks or marine life. Don't remove any creatures from their natural habitat, don't pry animals off the rocks, and don't break off any pieces of the rock. Take all your litter with you and avoid leaving any footprints on the rocks. Remember that the creatures in the rockpools are part of a delicate ecosystem and need to be protected.

  5. Look out for these creatures
    Rockpools are home to a variety of creatures, including crabs, starfish, anemones, limpets, barnacles, and small fish. Here are some of the creatures you might find and how to identify them:

    • Shore crabs: These crabs are commonly found in rockpools and are easy to identify by their small size and light brown or green colour.

    • Starfish: Starfish have five arms and come in a variety of colours, from bright orange to dark purple.

    • Anemones: These colourful creatures have a tube-like body with a ring of tentacles around the mouth. They can be pink, green, or brown in colour.

    • Limpets: Limpets are small snail-like creatures that cling to the rocks. They have a cone-shaped shell and are usually brown or green in colour.

    • Barnacles: Barnacles are small crustaceans that attach themselves to rocks and other surfaces. They have a hard, shell-like covering and can be found in large groups.

Rockpooling is a fun and educational activity that can be enjoyed by all ages. By following these tips, you can have a safe and enjoyable rockpooling experience while also protecting the marine life and environment. So why not head to Woolacombe beach and see what you can discover in the rockpools?